Large torc
"It is formed on an iron ring core which is covered with a stiff paste of beeswax and resin, over which the thin "gold" shell was placed. The shell, mainly an alloy of gold with some silver, is more properly identifiable as electrum. The torc open laterally and may be pulled open to form two halves, separated on the axis of the terminal buffers on the frontal side and the simple rings at the back.
The buffers are enhanced by subordinate moldings and, at the center, by a delicate ring
with beaded elements. 8 Both frontal surfaces are embossed with symmetrically matched reliefs of animal and geometrical designs. The dorsal ring is also embossed with a
simpler motif. The composition of the frontal reliefs consists of a ram's head with volute horns as the central element, framed at the sides and below by elongated S-scrolls
which meet on a center line and flow into each other, constituting "lyre" patterns. A pair of contorted animals, whose heads are turned backward, flank the lower scrolls."
Diameter of tube: 12.7 cm; thickness of gold shell 0.0026 cm.
20 cm
This object